19th February 2011

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Blog :: Oooh, fancy!

This is a belated valentine's day shout-out to a couple of my favorite food blogs: the (awesomely named) Crepes of Wrath and White on Rice Couple. I read a bunch of food bloggers and many of them are specialized (mexican-by-way-of texas food, asian and middle-eastern cuisine, and so on). Lately though I've been getting a little more into baking and fancy food prep that looks as good as it tastes. A lot of inspiration for that has come from Crepes of Wrath and White on Rice.

So when I saw this recipe for Caramel French Toast I didn't even have to read the recipe to know what I was going to do for a meal on Valentine's Day. I cut heart-shapes out of texas toast white bread, made French Toast (dip in mixture of cream, eggs, home-made vanilla extract, fresh grated nutmeg, a pinch of salt, a dash of brandy, and a squeeze of lemon, then fry in butter) and then sprinkled the pieces with vietnamese cinnamon mixed with sugar and caramelized the tops with a torch. A finishing sprinkle with powdered sugar and drizzle of maple syrup completed the plate...

Posted on February 19th 2011, 02:33 PM

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