17th April 2005

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Blog :: Good things in strange packages

So if you aren't a newbie to the blogosphere you know all about the "carnivals". Most significant is the Carnival of the Vanities which is a general purpose tour of whats new in the blogosphere. This weeks edition has me a little conflicted.

First the good: This entry by Chris is simply one of the best pieces of writing I have seen in the blogosphere at large. That's right, go read it right now, I'll still be here to complain when you get back.

Ok, the bad news is that this weeks host, Yeah Whatever, is definitely unworthy. As host of a diverse melange of entries from across the blogosphere it's sort of your duty not to editorially comment too much on the libertarians, communists, and everybody else with something to say each week. Whatever not only spent his carnival shot explaining how most of the other bloggers lack his fine human sensibilities because their politics differ from his, he even spent time explaining how misguided the commenters on a blog submission are. LAME! Whatever notes that he finds the term "Fisking" unworthy of the great and shining wisdom that drips from the pen of that outstanding human being, Robert Fisk. In Whatever's honor, then, I present this "whatevering" of his carnival editorial:

Whatever notes that one reason he disagrees significantly with American's political ideas is their fixation with individual rights. "They have an axiomatic belief, for instance, that the individual is what matters. I believe that individuals are nothing without their families, their societies, their people. It informs everything I believe in every area of politics." This would be fine and good and make Whatever an upstanding member of the authoritarian left, except he doesn't believe it himself. Keep scrolling and Whatever's pungent comment on American's ridiculous hangups about gay marriage helpfully explain "Here's why ultimately: it's absolutely no concern of yours or anyone else's whether your nextdoor neighbours are married, regardless of their gender or sexuality."

Hmm. So all politics (every area) should be seen through the lens of groups (family, society, race/culture/nation (or whatever people means)) according to Whatever, unless it comes down to sex. In which case you have no business interfering in my private individual life. Whew. Glad we got that straightened out.

Despite his deep humanity and superior understanding and impressive grasp of cricket and obviously fine taste in beer, Whatever seems to lack the necessary balance to handle Carnival duties... While he writes his dissertation on googlies, hopefully the next host will be, at least, a little less self congratulatory. Or at least one who can bring himself to actually link to all the submissions.

Posted on April 17th 2005, 12:34 AM